WONCA condolences to French colleagues


WONCA President, Michael Kidd and WONCA Europe President, Prof Job FM Metsemakers have sent messages of condolence to our colleagues in France on behalf of the greater WONCA family.

I was very saddened to hear about the terrorist attacks in Paris and the terrible loss of life. My thoughts are with you and with all our family medicine colleagues in Paris and across France at this very distressing time, and especially with those who have lost loved ones in these attacks.
Professor Kidd has sent the message right to our colleagues in France at La Société Française Médecine Générale (SFMG), and the Collège National des Généralistes Enseignants (CNGE) Collège Académique about yesterday’s devastating attacks in Paris. He has also sent a similar message to the president of the Lebanese Society of Family Medicine, about the loss of life in the terrorist attacks in Beirut on Thursday evening.

WONCA Europe President, Prof Job FM Metsemakers has sent the following message to our colleagues in France, via Professor Pierre-Louis Druais, President of the Collège de la Médecine Générale.

Dear Pierre-Louis

The WONCA family is shocked by the brutality of the terrorist acts in Paris, killing and wounding so many people. Our hearts feel the pain you and all French people must feel. We offer our condolences and emotional support.

However much people may differ in culture and beliefs, there is no justification for these kinds of acts. Understandably, but unfortunately, they already succeed in putting fear into our lives. Museums, theatres, shops, Disneyland Paris have been closed, disrupting the normal day to day pattern of life.

The spontaneous joint singing of the Marseillaise which I saw on the news, shows the strength the French People have to stay united. We all have to stay united and we all will have to learn how to cope with this new Europe. A region on high alert for terrorists - while refugees still look at it as a safe haven. The world has become a strange place.

Our condolences and support on behalf of the WONCA family.
Prof Job FM Metsemakers

Cher Pierre-Louis

La famille WONCA est sous le choc de la brutalité des actes terroristes de Paris, ayant causé tant de victimes. Nous partageons la douleur de tous les Français et vous offrons nos condoléances et notre soutien moral.

Quelles que soient les différences de cultures et de croyances, il n’y a guère de justification pour ce type d’actes. Nous comprenons que malheureusement leurs auteurs ont déjà réussi à semer la terreur dans nos vies. Les musées, les théâtres, les magasins et Disneyland Paris sont restés fermés, interrompant ainsi les habitudes de la vie quotidienne.

L’improvisation jointe et spontanée de la Marseillaise que j’ai entendue aux nouvelles démontre la détermination des Français à rester unis. Nous devons maintenir cette unité et il nous faudra maintenant apprendre à survivre dans cette nouvelle Europe. Une région en état d’alerte élevée en ce qui concerne les terroristes –alors que les réfugiés continuent à la voir comme terre d’asile sûre. Le monde est devenu un endroit bien étrange.

Toutes nos condoléances de la part de la famille WONCA.
Prof Job FM Metsemakers