From The President: WFDD, Healthy Success

From the President: WFDD Healthy Success

Most of our readers will realise that on May 19th we celebrated World Family Doctor Day (WFDD) and this year all theme was Healthy Planet, Healthy People.

I have watched World Family Doctor Day grow from its beginnings in 2010 and it is truly fantastic how widespread varied and enthusiastic celebrations are. We use this day to celebrate the great job we do as Family Doctors so this year it was a little different to promote Planetary Health and its link to our work and better outcomes for our patients.

Our main promotional video was produced by Young Doctors and Working Party on Planetary Health.

Prof Sir Andy Haines WONCA life Direct member and eminent international leader on Planetary health and a member of our WONCA Working Party on Planetary Health helped create three specific short videos on: mental health, novel diseases and the Global Health Care sector.

There were also two “press conference” chat sessions recorded.

I am taking this opportunity to show a random selection of some of the many fantastic activities that were held. Congratulations ot all who participated in a WFDD event and thank you all for making this day the huge success it has become. My apologies in advance that I can’t feature every country or every activity. That indeed would fill a very large book!


Family Physicians Association (BFPA) used WONCA’s excellent social media toolkit to post key messages to support the global campaign through its official Instagram and WhatsApp. WONCA pages and hashtags were mentioned with the posts. Organization leaders changed their social media profile pictures using the WONCA background to celebrate the event WONCA. These included WONCA East Mediterranean President elect Prof Faisal Alnasir (pictured) who was also involved in making a video.


The Bangladesh Academy of Family Physicians observed the day for the first time in Bangladesh in 2014. The Board of Governors of the Academy has held a program at its head office inside Dhaka. A rally was organized at Dhaka. (pictured) After the Rally a sumptuous breakfast was served to the participants. A discussion meeting was held where Prof Md Nurul Islam former WONCA South Asia President presented key-note paper. Others discussed about the significance of the day.

Hong Kong

The Hong Kong College Family Physicians (HKCFP) issued a Press Release on World Family Doctor Day 2024: Healthy Planet Healthy People A Call to Action for Healthier Communities in Hong Kong. Over a hundred representatives from public and private healthcare sectors patient groups leaders etc celebrated the WFDD 2024 together and what an amazing sight in the photo below!


Association of Family Physicians of India (AFPI) are hosting our 2025 WONCA South Asia Region conference. Promotional video about next year’s conference in Bangalore. For WFDD one of their events was held in Bangalore and led by the organisation’s secretary Dr Roshni Jhan Ganguly. The community engagement program included: tree planting and adoption; a road cleaning initiative on Yemalur Road to reduce pollution; distribution of recycled t-shirts as a token of appreciation reinforcing the importance of recycling and sustainable practices.

Impact: the event reiterated the importance of "Healthy People Healthy Planet" and encouraged the community to take active steps towards a sustainable future.


Slovak Society of General Practice celebrated with general practitioners in their communities organising a series of "Stepwalking" events. By literally “stepping out” of their practices family doctors invited patients and members of community to walk and join them in honouring their special day. Why? To show by example that walking is a great preventive measure against a number of serious diseases at zero financial and ecological cost. "Stepwalks" were held across Slovakia – in the lowlands and mountains in towns and small villages as well as in the capital city. The first walk began on 11 May in Veľký Biel a little village in Western Slovakia and the final walk closed this great series of events on 30 May in Prešov a small town in Eastern Slovakia.


Taiwan Association of Family Medicine took the initiative to organize a hiking event up the Jiantan Mountain on May 19th to promote healthy lifestyles. The group is photographed high up the mountain with a specially designed WFDD promotional banner.


The Venezuelan Society of Family Medicine (SOVEMEFA) held a workshop on May 3 with leaders and decision makers of the country related to health and the environment. The idea was to generate joint actions that can be maintained and followed over time with the commitment of the different institutions involved. On May 18 a comprehensive medical day was held with the participation of family doctors in a rural area called Bariro where more than 400 people were treated at the level of the outpatient network and through home visits a very vulnerable area with great need for assistance.


Its not surprising that many of our WFDD events have significant community impact and are reported in the press – two examples follow. The Caribbean College of Family Physicians -Jamaica Chapter were reported in local newspaper “The Gleaner” and parts of the article are repeated below. The 2024 celebration was a two-day function to honour family physicians. Awardee categories included signature awards for persons that provided long standing service to community; adding to the development of the family doctor movement through involvement in associations academia research teaching and outstanding medical community work. The Family Doctor of Excellence Awards highlights family doctors each year who are deserving of recognition for their hard work and consistently high standards of medical practice.

Society of Family Physicians of Nigeria (SOFPON) were similarly noted in local press “Voice of Nigeria” as having planted 300 trees in major health institutions in Jos-Bukuru metropolis in Plateau to commemorate the 2024 World Family Doctor Day.

South Asia Region

Finally our South Asia Region (SAR) reported on a webinar. WONCA South Asia region held a webinar with six areas to cover: climate change infectious diseases air water and land pollution mental health diet and food systems and health inequalities. I loved the points made on this slide (pictured). The speakers all family physicians/ general practitioners from South Asian countries presented data and evidence-based information related to their countries. I found the content of this slide particularly shocking and worth sharing as widely as we can.

I thank all colleagues who take the time to make OUR day a special day in their part of the world. We deserve the accolades!

Assoc Prof Karen Flegg

WONCA President