

AfriWon RENAISSANCE is the African organisation for young and future general practitioners /family physicians under the aegis of WONCA Africa region. It was launched in Prague June 2013 at the WONCA World conference.

All undergraduates interested in the specialty of general practice and family medicine, postgraduates in it and young doctors in the first five years after specialisation in GP/FM in the WONCA Africa region are eligible to become members.

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Convenor / Chair

Dr Mercy Nafula Wanjala (Kenya)

Dr Mercy Nafula Wanjala, a Family Doctor from Kenya, specializes in General Comprehensive Medicine from la Universidad de las ciencias medicas de la Habana, facultad de Giron. Recognized as a WONCA Montegut Global Scholars Program 2022 awardee and Africa Region WONCA Rising Star Award Nominee, she chairs Afriwon Renaissance and serves as Executive Coordinator of the Africa Forum for Primary Health Care.

Dr Wanjala holds key roles such as National Secretary for the Kenya Association of Family Physicians, Hon. Chair Kenya Medical Association Embu Division, and Co-convener of the Ethics, Standards, Research, CPD, and Drug Policy Standing Committee at the Kenya Medical Association. She is an ambassador and executive member for various WONCA initiatives, including Rural Seeds, Women in Family Medicine, and the Working Party on Rural Practice.

Additionally, she is a technical advisor on various national TWG and international advisory committee and as, an independent consultant in Global Health and Health Systems Strengthening, and actively contributes to international committees promoting age-friendly healthcare, preventive medicine, and social justice approaches to health.

Email Chair

Co-Convenor or other office bearers

  • Vice Chair 1: Dr. Stephen Engmann, Ghana
  • Vice Chair 2: Dr. Spyridon Antonios Giannakis, Malawi
  • Secretary General: Dr. Ibrahim Abubakar Banaru, Nigeria
  • Assistant Secretary General: Dr. Kapitene Kamuanga Michael, DRC
  • Treasurer: Dr. Anna Kabona, Uganda

Past Presidents

  • Dr Ettang Enwongo (South Africa)
  • Dr Nana Kwame Ayisi-Boateng (Ghana)

Theme Leads:

  • i. Research: Dr. John Sonny Kumbet, Nigeria
  • ii. Education & Training: Dr.Tawakalit Olubukola Salam, Nigeria
  • iii. Rural: Dr.Philip Nyabere, Kenya
  • iv. Beyond Africa: Dr.Aisha Mohammed Mwatuwano, Kenya
  • v. Exchange: Dr. Oziegbe Oghide, Nigeria

AfriWon National Representatives:

These represent the interests and activities of AfriWon at the various young doctor movements of their countries. The aim is to offer AfriWon as a regional platform for collaborative efforts aimed at promoting family medicine in the region. The Representatives include the following:

  • Dr Lukman Muhammad – Nigeria
  • Dr Nthusi-Nthula – Kenya
  • Dr Modai Mnenula – Malawi
  • Dr. Obed Sarpong – Ghana
  • Dr Nancy Matillya – Tanzania
  • Dr Lillian Mukisa – Uganda
  • Dr Cherifa Sururu - Zimbabwe

Membership Open?

Vision and Mission


The main objective of AfriWon RENAISSANCE is to organize young and future GPs/FM through:

  • Providing a forum in support for trainees and young GPs / FPs in Africa.

  • Developing family medicine and primary health care in Africa in service, training and research amongst young doctors.

  • Establishing a communication network between African trainees and young GPs / FPs and identifying their concerns, doubts and needs and helping to address them.

  • Encouraging a global and youthful African perspective, with global exposure and leadership development.



Alongside our objectives, the following are 2016-2018 strategic themes that will guide our activities for the next two years:
1. Membership growth
2. Advocacy for young African family physicians
3. Communication and Publicity
4. Research capacity building
5. Exchange Collaboration
6. Resources Mobilisation/Financing

Key AfriWon activities are as follows:
• A current membership drive is ongoing through this link: The aim is to have a complete database for young FPs and FM trainees in Africa.
• While the above link is for young FPs and FM trainees in Africa, engagement with interested stakeholders (e.g. Medical officers, Medical students, Nurses, Pharmacists etc) will continue on our Telegram and Twitter accounts.
• Our Facebook account provides an avenue for interaction and collaboration among young FPs and FM trainees within Africa and beyond. It is also an avenue to engage with members of other YDMs as well as Senior FPs
• We are interested in developing country-based AfriWon membership, structures and activities across Africa. This will include building National structures aimed at promoting the activities of the Theme groups in the various African countries. Indeed, this will take our vision closer to the young African FPs and Trainees.
• We are also working at fostering a collaborative relationship between AfriWon and its parent body- WONCA Africa. This collaboration will also include WONCA Member Organisations in all African countries.
• We also have begun promoting Young Family Doctor Exchanges within Africa. This will include intra-country Exchanges as well as intra-regional and international exchanges.
• The first official AfriWon Exchange will hold on the 16th of August, 2017 while our second pre-conference (#AfriWon2017) will hold on the 17th of August, 2017 at Pretoria, South Africa.


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